
We support people with a learning disability and autistic people with outreach activities. We work together with the person, their families and advocates to design and deliver support that promotes greater independence, confidence and self-esteem focussed on achieving positive outcomes for people.

Whether you need a few hours’ support each week, or a little more to help you meet a specific goal, we can provide support that suits you. We'll work with you to create a personalised support plan, which we will regularly review with you and anyone who you would like in attendance.  That means everything we do focuses on what matters in your life. For example, we can support you to:

Access learning and development opportunities including employment

Learn new skills which will build confidence

Support to use public transport so you can travel independently

Develop skills to self-care and help look after yourself

Help you manage money and pay your bills

Support at appointments

Develop healthy lifestyles such as food and nutrition planning, sporting activities

Developing and maintaining life skills, such as food shopping, cooking and household chores

If you would like more information about Outreach Care or if you know someone who needs this type of care please contact the team on 01282 614888



Mon-Fri: 9.00am - 5.00pm

Suite 19 The Ace Centre, Cross Street, Nelson, Lancashire BB9 7NH

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