Individual Care & Support

We pride ourselves on truly believing that the person knows best in knowing what is most important to them to achieve a good life and ensure that the support they receive is designed and coordinated around their desired outcomes. Our care and support is built upon conversations with the person so that the outcome is a single plan, no matter how many conditions or issues have been identified, which will be reviewed regularly. This emphasises both that personalised care and support planning is a continuous process, not a one-off event. While the plan is an important and useful document, it is the personalised care and support planning process as well as conversation which is at the heart of this new relationship and way of working

We can provide care and support to meet your needs that can be short drop in sessions, longer scheduled time, including support during the night and respite services.

Personal Care and Meal Preparation

Should you need support in this area we can ensure that you get off to the best possible start to their day by helping you get out of bed with the use of equipment such as hoists or without, washing or showering, toileting and catheter care, getting dressed and having breakfast. At the end of each day our staff can provide some help with getting undressed and ready for bed.

Meal Preparation

we understand everyone has different tastes with likes and dislikes, especially with food. Our team are able to do your food shopping or support you to it physically or virtually to ensure your diet is full of all the things you need to eat and enjoy. Should we help you physically our team are able to take you to your favourite supermarket, return home and help you put everything away making your shopping trips more enjoyable. Alternatively, we can wait for the delivery and support however you need.

We want to make sure ensure you can enjoy nutritious and home cooked food that is well balanced and meets your dietary and medical requirements.  The odd time you want to order a take-out we can help with that too


Doing a weekly shop is an essential part of many routines we can make this an enjoyable part of your routine and support you with essential shopping or just browsing. Alternatively if you prefer our staff  can help with picking up a few essential items to help you carry on with other things you prefer to. We ensure all of this is done within legal frameworks and our policies and processes are followed and all finances are accounted for.

Financial support

Some people we support people can experience challenges retaining and processing information, leading to difficulties managing their finances and budgeting.

We can help with

  • money, managing and paying bills
  • collecting pensions

We can even support with getting access to financial services, such as opening a bank account or changing a utility provider. Above all we make sure you can have as much control over your finances as possible.

Medication Assistance Services

Our trained staff will support you to ensure that medication is taken at the right time, this will contribute to maintaining good health and well-being. We can support you with the whole spectrum of support from prompting to take medication to administering of medication for people who are unable to do so for. themselves. Our team can also liaise with doctors and pharmacists to order more. We can also assist with doctors appointments or hospital appointments to provide extra support within this area

Domestic Chores and Household Maintenance

This service consists of completing household chores such as cleaning, laundry and ironing on a regular basis or whenever indicated by our clients. Our competent staff can ensure  the persons set household’s standards are  maintained so they remain comfortable in their own home.


Some people we support will want to spend time doing things they enjoy either at home or in the community. We will work with you your families and advocates to design and deliver support that promotes greater independence, confidence and self-esteem focussed on achieving positive outcomes that you have identified.  We can  support you with anything from a shopping trip, going swimming, bowling, going to a café, to the cinema or just trip a to the park.


We can undertake more focused activities such as:


  • Access learning and development opportunities including employment
  • Learn new skills which will build confidence
  • Support to use public transport so you can travel independently
  • Develop skills to self-care and help look after yourself
  • Help you manage money and pay your bills
  • Support at appointments
  • Develop healthy lifestyles such as food and nutrition planning, sporting activities


People who have been discharged from hospital after an illness or an operation may wish to contact us for short term care until they are fully fit and can get back to their old lifestyle. This form of rehabilitation can include helping with physio exercises and ensuring using precautions advised by other agencies supported. This way you will  be able to maintain their well-being and hopefully resume to their old lifestyle.

Depending on your chosen level of care, live-in care services generally include:

Mobility and Personal Safety

Dressing, hair and make-up or shaving

Support with personal care and continence

Managing and Prompting Medication

Support at night-time

Planning, shopping and cooking balanced meals

Light Housework

Laundry and Ironing

Pet Care

Personal admin, correspondence and help with day-to-day finances

Managing appointments, such as GP or hardresser

Trips out of the house to appointments, shopping or social outings (many carers will act as drivers)

Answering the door or phone

Companionship and emotional support

Providing peace of mind for both clients and family members

Complex care can be delivered through a complete, tailored plan put together by the care provider, client and family.

Arranging your care package

A member of our management team will meet with you face to face within your home to discuss your needs, wishes, preferences and the range of services available. We will then work in partnership with you and any support networks you choose to be involved in your care, to develop a package of care that meets your individual needs. During this meeting we will also conduct safety and risk assessments to make sure both your

Once you are happy with the package of care and care plan identified we will work with you to identify a small staff team to provide your person-centred care.

One of our senior staff team member will maintain contact with you. After the first few days of care we will review the support to ensure the carers are a good match and the levels of care are meeting the your needs, any changes required will be made. Throughout the period of the care provided 360 management will continuously ensure that you are happy with the care provided by attending your home and carrying out regular reviews.


Mon-Fri: 9.00am - 5.00pm

Suite 19 The Ace Centre, Cross Street, Nelson, Lancashire BB9 7NH

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