career opportunities

Social Care is unique to many other sectors in that is our employees are the brand of our organisation.  It is our staff team that support people to lead the lives they want to live.

To be a care and support worker, you don't need experience but you do need the right values: 

Values are the beliefs and views that people hold about what is right or wrong.

If you can:

  • support someone with dignity and respect
  • commit to quality care and support
  • learn and reflection – (thinking about what you do and why you do things in a certain way)
  • working together as team

then we want to hear from you!

The job role

When entering into the domiciliary care setting care and support workers are doubled up with an experienced member of the 360 team, who will show them the correct techniques used to support a client also known as shadowing. The shadowing will also consist of providing personal information, within reason, in regards to the client, this allows the new care and support worker to build a rapport with the client. 360 want clients to receive care which is as individualistic as possible, so 360 ensure our new care and support workers can build this rapport. Each new care and support workers 360 hire is also unique and will use their own knowledge and experiences when in the work place setting. 360 thrive on taking this personal knowledge to improve our services. After shadowing the registered manager will ensure the support worker is capable of working on their own and if they are he will sign them off to work on their own. The trained care and support workers will then be able to work independently as they will have gained all the skills they need.

At 360 we work as a team meaning our care and support workers are given continuous contact with management to ensure they feel supported. This means that training does not end when they have been signed off and are out in someone's home. Care and support worker are given constant guidance, training and advice throughout their time at working for 360.

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Employee of the month scheme

To assist our care and support workers and help them feel a sense of pride within their work life, every month 360 also offers an employee of the month scheme, this is a recognition of achievement and is another way carers receive support from management and other staff members. The nominations for the employee of the month scheme is decided by other colleagues and clients making the scheme fair and non biased. To gain a nomination staff must exceed expectations, for example staff must go above and beyond to recognise certain situations.


what the 360 degrees health care team had to say

“I’ve always wanted to help make a difference, 360 has given me the opportunity to do that”

Jessica Matthews - January 2021

I enjoy working in the care sector as I see first hand the benefits varies people receive and this is one of the reasons why my job at 360 is so self fulfilling. As well as feeling appreciated by all staff and clients, 360 have also allowed me gained many certificates and knowledge/experience which will be benefit me massively in the work industry. 

Ebony Smith- January 2021

I never thought of working as a support worker until the last couple of years. I have been with 360 coming up 2 years and I have to say I love my job, meeting new people and doing my very best to make their lives just that bit or a lot better. Tthis job has also help me become much more understanding towards others and given me lots more confidence...

The best part of my job is the social side ,where I get to know our clients on a much stronger level. I try always to bring a smile to there faces, really enjoy getting to know them all and have a strong bond with them.

Being a care and support worker is very worthwhile! 

Linda Holliday - January 2021


Mon-Fri: 9.00am - 5.00pm

Suite 19 The Ace Centre, Cross Street, Nelson, Lancashire BB9 7NH

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